Rotary Club of Shimoga Karnataka - Rotary India

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Total Services 13
Disctrict Project -8 education training program

We organised district project about education on 27--8--24 for high. . .

Distrcit Project -7 Road safety Awareness

District project about road safety was organised on 27--8--24 in Na. . .

District Project -6 About Road Safety Project

We organised district project lecture program about road safety on . . .

District Project -5 About Education

We organised district project on 22--8--24. JC trainer NG Usha cond. . .

15th August independent day celebration

We visited asha kirana mentally handicapped children school and cel. . .

District Project -4 Tree Plantation

District project --4 tree plantation in asha Kiran school. We organ. . .

Uniform Distribution

We provided school uniforms to the students of Veena Sharada High s. . .

District Project -3 About environment protection

We planteed saplings in Manjunatheshwara high school premises on 2-. . .

Mother and Child Awareness

We organized MONTHLY DESIGNATED PROJECT Mother and child health awa. . .

District Project- 2 about Health Awareness program

We organized DISTRICT PROJECT--2 dengue prevention and health aware. . .

District Project 1 about road safety

We organised district project--1 Traffic rules 22--7--24 in Veena S. . .

Note Book Distribution

We donated notebooks to 8th standard students of Veena Sharada High. . .

Scholarship for meritorious students

Special project... Providing scholarships to meritorious students s. . .